Three things I need to buy is a new journal, colorful pens, and a heavy duty phone case.
The end of a long week feels amazing. Here in Guatemala I keep hearing people ranting about almost everything. Statistics says that Guatemala is one of the happiest countries in the world, but I really believe that there is one big reason for this, ignorance. And I really don't wanna trash talk abou...
Unusually I took an afternoon nap today, I usually can't do that but when I'm exhausted as today I just die for like an hour or two.It's really good but actually I think I should track those also, I don't do them to often but when I do it I'd like to think that I'm investing my time in other way.Ano...
I really like today! Basically it was my first crosscountry "race" if you want to call it race and if you want to call cross country. It was running uphill the "volcan de agua" that is like 11 km running all the way to the top (couldn't do it running of course), it was crazy! And the crazier thing i...
So, writing is basically just sitting(finding a good position) and START writing! Even if you just write gibberish (not sure how that's spelled), redundancies or something foolish, it doesn't matter. You will GET BETTER. And that is the reason for this blog. Because YOU (you and me) WILL get BETTE...
Teresina - PI, 21/02/2020 Acordei tarde, almocei pizza que sobrou de ontem e fui pra casa da Carmen. Vimos muitos vídeos engraçados e trocamos chameguinhos. Mais tarde consegui pela primeira vez resolver o problema de 100% de Disco no Notebook dela. Amanhã é possível que eu vá pra casa do Gus Nudes...
Surprisingly, I was able to finish chapter 26 of the audio notes! If I keep up a chapter a day for tomorrow + Sunday, I'll be all caught up with audio notes. Finishing both tomorrow is a possibility, though. Either way, it'll be nice to have a near-complete second set of notes that I can continue to...
2020/02/20 New update should be there today Today we had catering at the volleyball Turnier. It felt like the end of teh day after two hours already, the crepes were sold out soon. It was nice and tasty. I went to TK and we played Tabu extreme. It was so funny. How will you describe "peach skin" w...
Today we launched the new version of the site AYearAgo.Today! The main reason for this update is to be able to allow users to create more than one entry per day if they want and to not fill their profiles with "Missed Day" entries (you'll know what these were if you used the previous site). The pre...
2020/02/19 Religion Test was good i'd say Today i learned that the school has a aquarium with "wels" 😍 I must ask Mrs. Schubert for that My sister wanted to tell a story with her vocabulary. It doesn't even make sense. I thought the "Laugenstange" has sugar on it, my mom even said yes. Turns out ...
2020/02/18 Only two days until the update comes up :) And I'm not sure about what to write for the English work... Or how to talk three minutes in Spanish about vacation... I've seen an interesting video eh rather heard ut about Jesus and the resurrection, why it has to be a fact and going through...
2020/02/17 🍋 Just a few more days... then I can sign in again :) And I need to summarize all that happened... Let's see... I started using that site beginning February, but in January were a few nice things :) ΔΔΔΔΔ 🍋17.01.2020 Praisetime ΔΔΔΔΔ 🍋25.01.2020 We were at a "Jugendbildungszentrum" or ...