I've been gone for quite a lot of days from here, well now that my exams are done I will continue with my schedule again. This was my first semester end exam in college, I feel like I could've done better. I did not study like I should, but now it's over. I can only wait for the results now. Meanwh...
I wonder how many people are living with multiple versions of their self, reflected back on the group they're with at the time. I just wonder how many people actually know which feeling inside is real, and which ones are masks. After wearing them for so long, who can say? Exhaustion comes at the end...
HGR quit Lost Ark last night. I really didn’t expect him to be the first to drop it (though, to be fair, he’s clocked 300+ hours which is assuredly longer than I’ll wind up playing). There were a couple reasons. First, he was bummed there were not enough people to do high-level world content with hi...
Why do so many professors drink diet coke in class? Today I'm going to focus on turning in some late assignments WHILST staying on track of my current assignments. I have a paper I need to finish, and I need to study for a math exam on Thursday. Thursday is named after Thor (Thor's day). The air ...
9:27 PM Today has been pretty tiring. I have done nothing but basically work the entire day today. Whew. It wouldn't be so bad if the work wasn't a little frustrating. I wrote code in one server and connected to another server to test it, so I had to copy stuff over to my desktop, disconnect from o...
I should really write here more. Y'all are so supportive, and I really appreciate all the comments you leave. :) This post is going to be a more positive update on my life. So last semester, depending on myself as an adult for the first time in my life, combined with the SA incident with my roommat...
Not much to say about last week’s raiding. Silver and GANON couldn’t make it on Saturday. On Sunday, the re-clears went well (I got 39% on P1S due to a damage down on temperatures 2, and 33% on the hippo), but our Phoinix pulls did not. We were all just tired, I guess. We only saw fountains of fire ...
4:26 AM (of Monday, February 28th 2022) Today is Sunday, February 27th 2022 and it was a fun day today. I woke up at around 2 AM, and did work the entire time basically until around 9 AM when I took a nap for 30 minutes or something. Yeah I was doing mostly productive activities the entire day toda...
I found the lost Ark! I beat the game! jk jk it turns out there are like seven more lost Arks scattered across the globe, so my adventure has only just begun. shocker I’m still having a lot of fun just casually strolling through the main questline. There’s been no grinding so far, but eventually the...
After a week of tossing and turning and waking up without being able to fall back asleep, I finally slept through the night again. That's because I got my meds filled yesterday so I'm back on my Ativan at night. I was kind of afraid it wasn't going to work anymore after my experiences the last week...
Finding a new doctor is so much harder than I thought. This new insurance has so fewer options than our old one. Of course, it does. The company my husband worked for finds the cheapest thing they can. Cheaper means fewer options always. Two years ago they switched to only CVS pharmacies. Yeah, my m...
10:37 PM "If you don't go to bed soon, you'll pay for it in the morning" the first words in this anime video I randomly clicked on before starting this entry. I also read an article about Putin's attack on Ukraine today. 6:19 AM (of Friday, February 25h 2022) Well I ended up staying up for anothe...