"Daaam boys"!!! That's what I said today to my coworkers in our small-medium construction company. There is this myth about opportunities that most people believe, you asked a lot of people outside what is it needed to become a millionaire and most of them will list you a bunch of items, skills and...
Alrighty then, it seems that I'll be doing these reviews online. I kinda like it because I'll be able to see them and keep them but they might not be in my notebook to just check them easily. (I might just copy them straight out of here to notebook later) Anyways, February was like an ugly first ma...
Ok, quick review cause I already did February's monthly review and that gave me a lot of revelation already. This week was a little bit weak, (haha bad joke), I actually worked pretty good, made some good deep work throughout the week and we advanced a lot in the company and the planning for the oth...
Stars are big balls of energy shining all over the sky, they are there to supposedly give us light ( that now we have), and maybe not physical light anymore but stories, metaphors and pure hope and vastness that actually enlighten our souls. Looking at them tonight I was thinking, which one was bri...
That is the question indeed. Two points of view for this title. The first one that comes right to my mind it's about the documentary that I was watching last time in Youtube. It's so good I'll leave you the link but it was basically about leadership and if you really need to a dick to be a leader. F...
Bueno, creo que no tengo ningun articulo en español, y me averguenzo mucho por ello. Hoy me di cuenta que fueron ya varios años desde la ultima vez que cante el himno nacional de mi Pais (Guatemala, patojo!). Yo diria que mas de 2 años sin siquiera escucharlo. Wow, que verguenza la mia. Pero, habla...
I really hope I don't run out of subjects to talk about. Naaa, I'm sure It won't happen. Today I was reviewing my google photos account (Love google) and it showed me the "what you did this date last year". I really love those ones because right now its showing me the great times I had in Boulder Co...
Ok, so let's see how fast can I actually type here. We'll, today I wanted to talk about leadership. Leadership, the skill that everybody teaches, but not everybody want to learn, moreover, almost no one wants to practice. I believe this is one reason why solo-entrepreneurs, or small companies are mu...
The end of a long week feels amazing. Here in Guatemala I keep hearing people ranting about almost everything. Statistics says that Guatemala is one of the happiest countries in the world, but I really believe that there is one big reason for this, ignorance. And I really don't wanna trash talk abou...
Unusually I took an afternoon nap today, I usually can't do that but when I'm exhausted as today I just die for like an hour or two.It's really good but actually I think I should track those also, I don't do them to often but when I do it I'd like to think that I'm investing my time in other way.Ano...
I really like today! Basically it was my first crosscountry "race" if you want to call it race and if you want to call cross country. It was running uphill the "volcan de agua" that is like 11 km running all the way to the top (couldn't do it running of course), it was crazy! And the crazier thing i...
So, writing is basically just sitting(finding a good position) and START writing! Even if you just write gibberish (not sure how that's spelled), redundancies or something foolish, it doesn't matter. You will GET BETTER. And that is the reason for this blog. Because YOU (you and me) WILL get BETTE...