I just realized that weekends are difficult days to complete my target day. Because household routines, meal preps, and so on. Children will require far more attention. Hopefully I can soon find a way to better manage my time on weekends to stay productive. I also get angry easily when I'm too ti...
Yes and no. Yes The sharing of an occasional vulnerability allows for people who are close to you, to understand you better than say, an acquaintance or a co-worker. Sometimes, it's actually critical that they know about your vulnerabilities. In my case, I would be referring to my physical vulner...
11:01 PM Video Today has been a pretty good day. I made a new video in the morning about my weight loss progress losing 5 pounds in 20 days, and I put the video up online. It's pretty decent progress. Most Steps Walked Leaderboard Afterwards I started up a top 10 most steps walked in a day leade...
2020/05/30 Saturday: 13:32: Randomly wanted to do bake Muffins and bring them Christoph, we have not enough butter/margarine. Now we have to go shopping so I'll do that on Monday. Then I wanted to order a surprise Pizza for dad but it didn't work for some reason. And we need to clean the bathroo...
Wow, many things happened today. And it seems I missed a few things from my daily target. I seem to be only able to finish reading a few pages in my target chapter. Today, I followed an online webinar that my supervisor recommended to refresh my knowledge, then I left home shop for household needs a...
Personal mobility devices - this is a very hot topic on debates in many countries. I have a colleague who knows a Singaporean and Singa-san (not the actual name) had shared with us a particular screenshot that I would have wanted to include in my entry. I mentioned briefly to them that I started j...
8:05 AM (of Saturday, May 30th 2020) Today is Friday, May 29th 2020. Can you believe that the month is almost over? Quite unbelievable how the days are going by so fast, although I suppose they're going slower than last year. Last year was very uneventfully for me. Before Work Today I woke up, di...
Again I don't really know how to start this. I will just say that this week has been chaotic and my motivation has been unpredictable. I think my biggest thing is that I am wasting precious hours to escape my surroundings. I just don't feel fulfilled enough by things in the real world, so i escape i...
Wow, what a challenging day! I tried to complete my daily target in the middle of busy doing household chores and taking care of children. I learned to use the Pomodoro technique. It helps me focus when I did't have much time to study. I also took the time to do body combat training on the night. No...
Hello everyone.. Today learning about prosperity consciousness, I think it's very important to reprogramming my mindset, my believe system about prosperity. Tonight something happen that made my mood going down. Need a little time to coming back to normal state. And I think I become better to han...
That would be the neighbors. During this time of the pandemic, more domestic violence has been reported in my town and especially at the apartment that I'm staying at. The town has a special task group set up to address and deal with the sharp spike in domestic violence. Husbands beating wives, w...
It's open season on octopodes!! 250 free raid coins for helping bonk someone else's Giant Octopus, so everyone is rushing to help as many people as possible. Often it's a race to get into the lobby before it fills up or before the octopus flops. I've decided to stick with The Alchemist Code for no...