1:03 PM So far I’ve walked 19311 steps today which is not that much yet. I started waking at around 8 AM and my plan was to walk all day. I didn’t expect to stop recently, but my feet started getting sore, and I started feeling a bit hungry and thirsty, so I am now taking a break. I’m at the Açaí...
6:33 PM The past few days have been total garbage. I have been exercising daily but I have also been doing "that" daily, and after doing "that", I tend to eat a lot, so all my exercises have just been in vain. It's pathetic. I've done "that" twice today for example, twice yesterday, three times the...
7:50 PM My entire neighborhood and I’m assuming a wide radius around it, is out of electricity. 7:54 AM Well the electricity is back now. I’m writing this on the Notes app of my MacBook Air, because I planned on copy/pasting it to AYAT once the electricity and Wi-Fi came back. Looks like electri...
I always tell myself I'm going to post every day to my illness journal so people can see what it's really like to live with chronic illnesses, but it really is just posting the same thing over and over sometimes. And when that same thing is negative, it just feeds the negativity. My depression and ...
9:25 AM (6 de Octubre de 2021) Hoy es Martes, 5 de Octubre de 2021. Hoy fue un día normal. No hice mucho hoy. Tuve una lección con mi tutora a las 8 AM. Tengo aprecio a mi tutora. Mi vida es muy solitario y ella es una persona en mi vida que puedo ver todos los dias, por ahora, mientras que ella es...
This condo sat on the market for 60+ days before we made an offer, so I was lowkey worried the inspection would reveal major issues that had scared off previous buyers. Thankfully, nothing too bad popped up. The garbage disposal needs fixing, and a smoke detector needs to be replaced. The seal on a ...
Estoy en búsca de una habitación, deseo un apartamiento simpletón pero aconjegante. La moradía necesita tenier el básico: una buena iluminación, agua corriente, un cuarto y un escritório, yo también necesito de cómodos a se hacer las necesidades, como una cocina y bañador. Yo comprehendo ser muy i...
11:30 PM Today was a day Facebook went offline for around 6-7 hours from 11:30 AM to around 6:00 PM EST. Maybe going offline isn't the right phrase for it, they could have been online the whole time, but no one could connect to their servers. This was due to a network protocol issue, BGP, Border Ga...
Tomorrow’s the day of the home inspection. The conversation about the home inspection was rather weird. Initially, Dell explained that we didn’t need to be present during the home inspection, because the inspector would send us a detailed report of his findings. Okay, I thought, we won’t go. But whe...
A big day: We set out at 8 am to meet Dell for a tour of six condos. (We had requested to see seven, but one of them got bought. The housing market is hot.)Razorback Ridge #1-3: Our first stop was a series of three condos in the same apartment complex. All were third-floor condos with skylights and ...
8:50 AM Quiero hacer estos para mi horario: 8:00 - Leccíon de español9:00 - Quiero dormir o tengo siesta11:00 - Puedo ir a la playa y caminare por muchos pasos1:00 - Puedo comer2:00 - Estoy en mi casa6:00 - Puedo caminar o hacer ejercicio en mi vecindario8:00 - Estoy en mi casa10:00 - Dormirme 7:46...
I'm jittery right now. It's hard to explain what it feels like, but it's almost this vibration in my chest. It keeps me on edge. I don't know what's causing it--it's just always there. It's stressful. And I'm almost out of anxiety pills. They only help a little bit. They calm the vibration some so t...