sun stealers

By Achaius

Chronicle of the Sun Stealers, a wolf pack originating in the deciduous forests of eastern Wolvden.


Nov. 28, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Insatiable squad] [The Reckoning > Rule the World > The Black Brigade > The Howling > Neverending Strife > Roundtable Rival > Insatiable] Our OG hunting squad enters its seventh generation with its highest stats yet (because three of them are RavenWalker grandpups,...

Views: 274
Nov. 16, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Armitage] Dog controls your destiny. Seek out three items of his favor and then seek his shrine. "Looks kind of like a runt" - HGR Armitage, sixth and strongest of his line, was born on the first day of winter in Year 37, exactly seven years after his father Reinhardt. During his ti...

Views: 218
Nov. 9, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Return to Oblivion squad] [Ghost River > Lightbringer > Dragonsong > The Red Hood > Scarlet Vow > Return to Oblivion] Twix | chaser for Return to Oblivion | starting stats: 801 | ending stats: 1775 (+974) Lead chaser. Sixth-generation cookie pup: Snickerdoodle > Or...

Views: 236
Oct. 16, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Opus of the Night squad] [One-Winged Angel > Shadowbringers > Opus of the Night] Bundt | chaser for Opus of the Night | starting stats: 670 | final stats: 1671 (+1001) Seventh-generation cookie chaser: Snickerdoodle > Oreo Bandit > Lebkuchen > Taiyaki > Cinnabon &g...

Views: 227
Aug. 23, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Beautiful Apocalypse squad] [Ravenlight > Megalovania > Vespertine > Undying > Devil Trigger > Beautiful Apocalypse] Sixth-generation hunting squad. For five generations, this team was led by the Kyovin line, but Genichiro, daughter of Fortinbras and Victoria, command...

Views: 295
July 5, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Roundtable Rival squad] Roundtable Rival is the sixth-generation successor to our OG hunting team: The Reckoning > Rule the World > The Black Brigade > The Howling > Neverending Strife > Roundtable Rival. Hatchet | stalker for Roundtable Rival | starting stats: 652 | ...

Views: 339
June 6, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Reinhardt] Reinhardt was our sixth pack leader, and the fifth leader of the line of Leviathan, son of Lucky Taro. He was born of Fortinbras and Vanaspati on the first day of winter in Year 30. He became leader at 1 year and 2 months old. He started at level 1, so he was way behind t...

Views: 320
May 15, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Scarlet Vow squad] [Ghost River > Lightbringer > Dragonsong > The Red Hood > Scarlet Vow] Paczki | chaser for Scarlet Vow | starting stats: 681 | ending stats: 1667 (+986) Sixth-generation cookie chaser: Snickerdoodle > Oreo Bandit > Lebkuchen > Taiyaki > Cin...

Views: 272
May 11, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Shadowbringers squad] [One-Winged Angel > Shadowbringers] Our new hunting squad hits its second generation. As age-mates to the Ravenlight (Scarlet Vow) squad, they've developed quite a rivalry. Valerian | chaser for Shadowbringers | starting stats: 594 | ending stats: 1583 (+9...

Views: 296
March 2, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Devil Trigger squad] [Ravenlight > Megalovania > Vespertine > Undying > Devil Trigger] Fifth-generation hunting squad, founded by Riley Kyovin. Possibly the last hunting team led by a Kyovin, because after Riley passed away, leadership of the squad passed to Genichiro, d...

Views: 333
Feb. 3, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Neverending Strife squad] [The Reckoning > Rule the World > The Black Brigade > The Howling > Neverending Strife] Fifth-generation hunting squad, successor to The Reckoning, our OG hunting squad. Hyzenthlay | stalker for Neverending Strife | starting stats: 616 | final ...

Views: 374
Dec. 23, 2022

[Pancake’s tale: the sun's light endures] The Suntouched are no more. The brotherhood of the light was shattered by the cataclysm. Rumor said they returned to the stars from whence they came. Except one small ray of light did not quite make it to the stars, and instead landed here. We named him Panc...

Views: 375
Dec. 15, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: One-Winged Angel hunting squad] One-Winged Angel is our new squad, formed just so that Glendower would have a team to lead. She’s kind of a big deal. For many generations, stalkers have been seeking large trails in the rainforest and glacier; it’s the holy grail, the final frontier...

Views: 378
Dec. 1, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: The Red Hood hunting squad] [Ghost River > Lightbringer > Dragonsong > The Red Hood] Four generations ago, Cobalt Snowclone, the first keeper pup born to the Sun Stealers, founded the Ghost River hunting squad. Each squad has its own traditions regarding leadership. The R...

Views: 374
Nov. 1, 2022

[Lysander’s tale (Eternal Winter pt. 2)] As adolescents, Lysander and his best friend Arquebus ran away from home to be travelers like Julep. They journeyed north to the land of eternal winter, where they met Nasario, runaway from the Sharpstone Pack. The three of them traveled together, an incorrig...

Views: 371
Oct. 7, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: Undying] Undying is one of our fourth-generation hunting squads: Ravenlight > Megalovania > Vespertine > Undying. It was originally founded by Wulfric Kyovin (who was, in the end, not immortal, just unusually long-lived for a wild wolf. She recently passed away at the age o...

Views: 374
Sept. 3, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: The Howling] The Howling is a fourth-generation hunting squad, successor to our OG squad (The Reckoning > Rule the World > The Black Brigade > The Howling). Rakugaki | stalker for The Howling | starting stats: 544 | final stats: 1421 (+877) Unlike Cabeswater (a hard worker ...

Views: 415
Aug. 31, 2022

[The disappearance of the Suntouched] The Suntouched are no more. We don’t know how it happened. Our scouts, Nysus and Sharkey, were on routine patrol one night when they heard loud popping noises from the Suntouched’s territory and saw strange lights rising into the sky. They went to investigate an...

Views: 406
Aug. 9, 2022

[Ryle and Wulfric passing the torch] Ryle, our pack leader, and Wulfric Kyovin, finisher for the Undying squad, have both retired from their positions. Surprisingly, they’re both still with us, having outlived the lifespan of a normal wolf. We’re not sure why. Wulfric is the daughter of the legendar...

Views: 443
July 11, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: the Dragonsong hunting squad] Severin | stalker for Dragonsong | starting stats: 588 | final stats: 1358 (+770) The latest and greatest in stalking technology. 3/3/22 - Severin makes her debut on the smarts leaderboard at 4y 1.5m. 5/1/22 - Severin is the wisest and the smartest pac...

Views: 450
May 22, 2022

[Nasario’s tale] Nasario is the son of the legendary DreamWalker, born in the Sharpstone Pack in the final days of DreamWalker’s reign. Even as a nameless young pup, he knew that if he stayed in his home pack, he would always remain in his father's shadow. He would have to find a new pack to seek hi...

Views: 515
May 20, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: The Red Hood] We’ve got a new hunting team! It happened like this: Baransky (Severin’s daughter) and Cinnabon (Kipferl’s niece and successor) just reached adulthood, but Severin and Kipferl weren’t willing to give up their spots on the squad. Severin is still hoping to find a large ...

Views: 437
May 7, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: the Vespertine hunting squad] Vespertine is another of our third-generation hunting teams (successor to Ravenlight and Megalovania). They’re basically the kid sibling of The Black Brigade. Following the Kyovin family tradition, the team’s finisher Wulfric has now founded her own hun...

Views: 464
April 3, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: The Black Brigade] The Black Brigade is one of our third-generation hunting teams—successor to Rule the World, which was successor to The Reckoning, our OG squad. All Black Brigade members made the hunter leaderboards (though Janloon took her time getting there). In fact, Bullet Lig...

Views: 484
March 25, 2022

The Sun Stealers have traditionally been an insular pack, with most of our outside contact being one-night stands with studs from other packs, or food and toy sales. (Cylas, our pack’s financial manager, makes a killing on food bundles every winter.) But things are changing. It started near the end ...

Views: 480
Feb. 28, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: Rivalry trio: Castleberry, Vice Kyovin, Lebkuchen] Castleberry | finisher for Lightbringer | starting stats: 525 | final stats: 1215 (+690) Castleberry and Vice have been rivals since they were barely weaned. They tussled with each other; they stole each other's prize bones; they co...

Views: 488
Feb. 24, 2022

[Traveler tales #3: Julep] Julep fast facts:
- Birth pack: Sun Stealers

- Birthdate: The first day of fall in Year 18

- Heritage:
Mother: Claw of Janloon, finisher for The Black Brigade
Father: Renjiro, dreamworld scout

- Starting stats: 564 (181 strength)

- Aging-up stats: 640 (221 strength)

Views: 514
Jan. 31, 2022

Jovis, our pack leader, has passed away. He’s succeeded by his son Ryle, who is mainly known for two things: being a foodie and a prankster. When Ryle was a pup, Renjiro frequently brought him to the lunar lands for training. He introduced Ryle to all kinds of weird otherworldly foods, and Ryle deve...

Views: 501
Jan. 21, 2022

[Wolf spotlight: siblings Wyrmfang & Icelit Dragonsong] Wyrmfang | chaser for Lightbringer | starting stats: 463 | final stats: 1197 (+734) Daughter of Light Rampant, the fastest albino in Wolvden. All of Light's pups have mad zoomies. The pupsitters love them, but it's also like "oh god not this ag...

Views: 508
Dec. 27, 2021

[Wolf spotlight: sisters Meracydia & Veselka] Meracydia | stalker for Lightbringer | starting stats: 537 | final stats: 1284 (+757) Our stalker prodigy. Singleminded in her pursuit of hunting excellence. As a pup, she was tutored by her mom Cobalt, our premier first-generation trailblazer. 7/24/21: ...

Views: 485
Dec. 7, 2021

[Wolf spotlight: the Megalovania hunting squad] Black Cherry Bomb | stalker for Megalovania | starting stats: 465 | final stats: 1153 (+688) The only child of Zinfandel and Carob. A rarity among wolves: not just the only pup in her litter, but the only pup either parent had during their lives. She...

Views: 516
Nov. 20, 2021

[Traveler tales: Dewberry’s homecoming] At the age of 6 and a half, Dewberry came back home to live with the Sun Stealers...though, she mused, it didn't feel much like home. Her puphood memories of the place were distant. She remembered being excited for mealtime when Cobalt and the rest of the Ghos...

Views: 477
Nov. 14, 2021

Sometimes a pup is a little too good at hide-and-seek. Renjiro was seen heading toward a thick stand of desert paintbrush, and then...he was gone. Berry Blitz, who was "it," couldn't find him. The pupsitters couldn't find him. Meracydia, our chief stalker, couldn't find him. His scent went into the ...

Views: 517
Nov. 6, 2021

[Wolf spotlight: the Rule the World hunting squad] Overall team stats:
- 1312 hunts (706 successes)

- Base success rates [taiga/desert]: 90% small trails, 74% medium trails, 60% large trails
Azure of the End | stalker for Rule the World | starting stats: 456 | final stats: 1115 (+659) Cobalt's so...

Views: 495
Oct. 24, 2021

Razanei was a wild party boy all his life. At six years old, he stepped down as active stud in favor of his younger half-brother Ratatoskr ("Get yourself some tail, bro"), but it didn't stop him from playing the field, as they say. He sired more than 500 pups during his lifetime. He passed away at t...

Views: 504
Sept. 27, 2021

It’s hard to believe it’s already time for our third generation of hunters! Our first team, The Reckoning, was the trailblazer squad. They learned to hunt in the elk-rich deciduous forest, then ventured forth to harsher climes to hone their skills. Their children in the Rule the World squad, born an...

Views: 571
Sept. 26, 2021

[Wolf spotlight: Cai Kyovin, Astrika] === Cai Kyovin | finisher for Ravenlight/Megalovania | daughter of Taro x Emperor starting stats: 586 | level 20 stats: 1110 (+524) | final stats: 1252 (+666) It's tough joining an established hunting team and being like "New finisher, who dis?" Especially when ...

Views: 511
Aug. 29, 2021

[Traveler Tales #2: Snowy Mooncake] Who is this mysterious masked wolf? Few know her name, but many know her reputation. She travels the land far and wide, providing food to the hungry in winter, beating up quest snakes who are being rude, and returning lost puppies to their homes. === In the spri...

Views: 514
Aug. 27, 2021

Our pack leader Leviathan passed away on the final night of the Seventh Dreaming Moon. He's succeeded by his son Jovis. Jovis has a lot of heritage under his paws - Lucky Taro's his paternal grandmother, Raubritter and Jackfruit Cider are his maternal grandparents - but he resembles Levi more than a...

Views: 557
Aug. 18, 2021

[Wolf spotlight: Light Rampant, Cryptic] Light Rampant | chaser for Ghost River starting stats: 293 | level 20 stats: 849 (+556) | final stats: 943 (+650) Our resident lint remover pup; everything sticks to her. She's a big goof. She and Rubicon were alike in that regard. He showed her all his fav...

Views: 539
Aug. 9, 2021

[Wolf spotlight: Akinori, Takaya, Cobalt] (Due to the unfortunate revelation that dynasty slots are hardcapped at 100, I figured I should be copying my wolf bios here. A lot of bio info is saved in various places in this log, but not all of it.) Akinori | scout & loremaster | firstborn son of Lu...

Views: 552
June 30, 2021

Dewberry was originally a rescue pup, adopted from the Enclave by Chendol and Wraith. In her version of the tale, the "adoption" was very dramatic: Dewberry was fleeing from a ravenous bear, and Wraith ran in and challenged the bear to single combat (which of course she won) while Chendol whisked De...

Views: 579
June 18, 2021

Taro has also achieved immortality, though it's less clear how she did it. Her initial description of her encounter with Death was as brief as it was implausible. "I just beat him up," she said with a shrug. Over time, Taro's tale of her battle with Death has grown more and more elaborate. It's prac...

Views: 572
June 5, 2021

The changing of the guard is nigh. All our pack founders—the Reckoning hunting squad, Raubritter, Taro, and Miri—are getting old. It's soon going to be time to hand things over to the next generation. When Fenrir passed his seventh birthday, he decided to seek out Death before Death could come for h...

Views: 580
May 22, 2021

It's midwinter in the taiga, and our new hunting squad is making its debut, with one modification. Shikadi kept quarreling with his squadmates-to-be, so we did a pup swap: we sent Shikadi to the Dark Moon Wolf pack, which was badly in need of hunters, and we brought in a new chaser pup from Websteak...

Views: 570
May 11, 2021

Last winter, around the same time that our hunter pups were born, Raubritter and Mango also had a son: Razanei. Old man Raubritter has a very conservative fashion sense; a dignified russet coat and monochrome markings are all he ever wanted. Razanei thinks that's boring. He's all about being flashy...

Views: 552
May 5, 2021

A while back, Raubritter's realgar grandson (the one with the bright blue painted claws) got put up for sale at the trading center. We didn't have room for a new pack member; all our hunting teams were full, and our scout slots were booked for years to come. Also, the asking price was extravagant. B...

Views: 599
May 1, 2021

New hunting squad just dropped! Our hunters are getting on in years (The Reckoning is nearly six years old), and they've just bred the next generation of hunters:
- Azure of the End | future stalker | Cobalt x Seer @ Akicita Sunka | diorite merle | 456 stats

- Ricochet | future chaser | Derelict Fo...

Views: 604
April 4, 2021

I feel like I never properly introduced most of the members of Ghost River, our junior hunting squad, so here they are: 1. stalker: Cobalt Snowclone [maltese; starting stats 410, current stats 669] Miri's firstborn, and the founder of the hunting pack. She's a real hotdogger. On the day she became a...

Views: 654
March 26, 2021

Our pack leader Rubicon died this morning. When he didn't return from a fishing trip, the scouts went searching for him and found his body. It appears he got into a fight with a fox (that boy loved fighting foxes every chance he got) who slew him and took his tail as a trophy. RIP. So Levi has ascen...

Views: 614
March 25, 2021

okay I knew our mojave (who we've named Mireya Ironclad) came from a puppy mill but this still amuses me
- I'M THE TRASHMAN: i wish Spitfire was still alive he's probably my favorite fox stud

- Lionel: oh hey spitfire is my mojave's great-granddad

- Miso Soup 🍜 : Spitfire is mines great-great gr...

Views: 590
March 16, 2021

When Raubritter first became stud, we didn't think he'd get much business, since he's not T3 and the market is tough. But he's doing pretty well for himself. Some of his accomplishments:
- He's sired 238 pups, beating MICHEAL SKARN's total of 226. (Obviously the world is much bigger now and 200-odd...

Views: 620
March 13, 2021

We've been getting restless in the deciduous forest. It's our ancestral home, but it's also a newbie/starter biome, and after being here so long it feels like slumming. Our hunters want to test their skills. So today, the first day of spring, we moved to the rainforest, one of the two most inhospita...

Views: 654
March 8, 2021

Here's a hypothetical list of the nine pups I most want in the future. We're pretty full up at the moment, so most of these are long-term plans, two or three wolf-years down the road. 1. Onyx pup with selenite markings, Lucky Taro x leaderboard stud: Now that Taro's broken the 1000 stat barrier, she...

Views: 641
Feb. 26, 2021

Pupsplosion! It's chaos in the den. Pups are everywhere. The pupsitters are frantic. We had to pull Fenrir into emergency pupsitter duty. He is not happy about it. Last night, Lucky Taro had a litter of five pups: three denims, a lilac, and a nocturne. A stunningly good litter. Nice work, Taro. We d...

Views: 628
Feb. 22, 2021

It's career change day! Raubritter hit level 20, so he's stepping down from his position as scout to become finisher for the Phantom Divine hunting squad (which he renamed Ravenlight in honor of his raven companion, Chainsaw). Meanwhile, Fenrir is taking Raubritter's spot as scout. He's just filling...

Views: 628
Feb. 17, 2021

Today we mourn the passing of a legend: Sunfall is dead. (Lucky Taro is heartbroken. She never got to meet her dad...) We're not privy to the internal politics of The Red Sun Pack, but here's what we know: Allegedly, Sunfall died in his sleep last night. It was presumably not of natural causes, si...

Views: 626
Feb. 5, 2021

I was looking at lineages and realized that Mango & Sago (chaser for The Reckoning) is the sister of Lobelia (Raubritter's first stud request). In fact, they're littermates. Mango is the superior hunter, though: she has 239 out of 342 successful hunts. Lobelia's hunting record is 7/106. What's going...

Views: 621
Feb. 2, 2021

Our herbalist, Top Ramen, passed away in his sleep last night. He was 7 years and 9 months old, which is fairly old for a wild wolf. He was a simple old boy; he loved digging and loved finding herbs. We'll miss him. Tripoli was originally going to be his successor, but a few days ago, she abruptly ...

Views: 631
Jan. 28, 2021

noooooo the stud I had picked out for Lucky Taro died overnight. RIP Saito Hajime, who passed away at 3 years and 10 months old. According to his bio, he was thinking of retiring from his job as stud and settling down with a partner, but he never got the chance. He was level 19, just a few scouting...

Views: 624
Jan. 27, 2021

The day after Miri had her pups, Raubritter decided to one-up her by officially becoming the pack's breeding male. Honestly, it's a bit of a formality at this point. Raubritter was the only serious contender after Fenrir bowed out of the race. But also, no one from the pack wants to breed with him a...

Views: 612
Jan. 24, 2021

[FIRST PUPPIES] So Miri was out hunting when she met Eredin, a chaser for Darkroot Pack. He was handsome and a charmer and they really hit it off and tl;dr she came home pregnant. Nice score, Miri! "Now that's good hunting," said Fenrir. "Shut up, Fen," said Miri. Everyone was excited. These are...

Views: 624
Jan. 19, 2021

One day, Fenrir, our resident con artist and smart-aleck, announced that he was founding a new hunting squad. It was called Phantom Divine, and he was the sole member. He'd come and go at odd hours, and nobody was sure what he was actually doing out there, since he invariably brought home no prey. "...

Views: 580
Jan. 17, 2021

[The Fate of the Six] A week later, here's the fate of the six NBWs who left my pack: Havoc Song got picked up by a breeder for a breeding project. He was sex changed to female, base changed to tawny, and then bred to a fox-wolf stud. He had four healthy pups, but none of them had their father's fo...

Views: 693
Jan. 14, 2021

Pyro is growing up! She's got a new lilac coat of fur and, with it, a new name: Lucky Taro. (Most of the wolves still call her "Pyro" out of habit. It suits her. She's a total firebug.) We've also got a new pack member, Miri. She's another pedigree pup, with the Jay-Oleander-Enigma line on her fathe...

Views: 634
Jan. 11, 2021

Some major roster shakeups lately: First, our longtime solo scout, Havoc Song, has left. He's never been the sort to stay in one place for too long. Second, the Abyss of Time hunting team (Rubrum, Onyx Moon, Brimstone, and Duskdune) disbanded on amicable terms and went their separate ways. (For post...

Views: 595
Jan. 8, 2021

Just two days later, an exceptional pup comes along. She's the child of Sunfall, the most powerful wolf in the realm. Sunfall is #1, and Faelor is #2, and they're both common household names; they each have hundreds of living children. Whole dynasties have been founded from their descendants. Anywa...

Views: 626
Jan. 6, 2021

Triple Barrel Roll, my burnt-sausage wolf, has grown up. She generally goes by "Trip" or "Tripoli." She's currently on a grand tour of the surrounding lands—the tundra! the desert! so many exciting places to explore!—but she's eventually going to settle down and become the herbalist's apprentice. We...

Views: 599
Jan. 4, 2021

My five hunter pups have grown up, and The Reckoning hunting squad is ready for action! Arson was so excited that he tripped over his own paws and injured himself. He's still a pup at heart. Calm down, dude. Our herbalist, Top Ramen, had to spend an hour fixing him up before he was ready to go hunti...

Views: 610
Dec. 28, 2020

Puppies take so long to grow up. Five days from now, Arson, Carob, and Mango & Sago become adults. They'll form a new hunting party called The Reckoning, with Carob as stalker and Arson/Mango as chasers. Two days later, right as they're starting to get a good vibe going, Jackfruit Cider and Derelic...

Views: 627
Dec. 27, 2020

Meet the Sun Stealers:
- Rubicon (m) | pack leader | 261 stats | gray w/ white inverted agouti

- Havoc Song (m) | scout | 292 stats | dark brown

- Top Ramen (m) | herbalist | 418 stats | cream w/ dark brown dorsal

- Solstice (f) | pupsitter | 204 stats | gray w/ black

- Abyss of Time (hunting pa...

Views: 639